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Get more Legal Clients with voice AI agents

Deploy AI voice agents trained on Legal Industry data and compliant with industry regulations like GDPR.
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Increase your legal client revenue with an ROI of 1200%

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Automate client Intake effectively with AI

OpenMIC streamlines client intake with AI, efficiently capturing essential details for immediate support, freeing your team to focus on legal excellence.
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Manage Case Scheduling with AI

OpenMIC effortlessly schedules appointments and tracks court dates, ensuring your law firm never misses a deadline. This automation streamlines your calendar, freeing up valuable time for case work. It acts as your reliable scheduler.
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Enhance Client Communication with AI

OpenMIC ensures your clients get instant answers 24/7, keeping them informed and engaged with their cases. This automation boosts satisfaction and trust, while your legal team focuses on high-priority tasks.
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Enjoy impressive Business outcomes with AI

We obsess over TTS/STT vendor integrations, multi-speaker diarisation and interruption handling so your teams can build what you need using one API. 
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clients engaged autonomously through instant support.


more cases with 24/7 screening.


boost in Legal client satisfaction


operational cost savings per client

OpenMic makes Legal easier

Why customers love
OpenMic Voice Agents

“It's amazing what has helped me learn about my team.I don't worry about blindspots anymore, and 1-on-1s have never
been more productive. The team loves it.”
“It's amazing what has helped me learn about my team.I don't worry about blindspots anymore, and 1-on-1s have neverbeen more productive. The team loves it.”
Focus on expressing your thoughts. Context is preserved, relevance is maintained, and your message flows seamlessly.

84% of employees who use trust their direct manager

Book a free consulation withour Voice AI solution engineer

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